Paul Schreiner Continues His Dominant Pistol Grip 2-On-1 Series This Time From The Open Guard!
- The Pistol Grip 2-on1 is a unique control that can be used to completely shut-down an opponent's passing attempts while leaving them vulnerable to sweeps, back takes, and submissions.
- Develop a sophisticated web of attacks that all start with obtaining the pistol grip 2-on-1.
- Learn to troubleshoot common reactions from the opposition including how to apply the 2-on-1 system against kneeling and standing opponents!
- Build confidence from your open guard by limiting passing options while maximizing your own offensive capabilities.
- The 2-on-1 can also be used to advance your position into deep arm drags, back takes, and more!
Take Your Pistol Grip 2-On-1 To The Next-Level With Volume 2 Of Paul Schreiner’s Must-Have Pistol Grip 2-On-1 Series!
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What Will You Learn?
Open guard can be a difficult position to become proficient at. With today’s modern passing game it can be difficult to even get started before you have to deal with an onslaught of leg drags, knee cuts, stack passes, and more! Paul Schreiner’s latest series Connected Reaction: Pistol Grip 2-On-1 Volume 2 Open Guard, looks to solve this problem!
Throughout the series Schreiner lays out a complete game plan revolving around the pistol grip 2-on-1. This unique grip allows you to keep control of even the slickest guard passers, and opens up a wide range of offensive options. You will learn how to consistently set up the position from a variety of open guard scenarios including grounded, kneeling, and even standing opponents.
Why use the pistol grip 2-on-1? Few positions from the guard allow you to shutdown guard passers while simultaneously providing the perfect platform for sweeps, back takes, and of course submissions. Paul walks you through a wide range of combinations that all stem from a primary hook sweep attack. While this primary attack is effective in its own right, it opens up ample opportunities for action/reaction attacks that can lead you to dominant positions like the back. This simple strategy can make massive differences in your game!
Paul Schreiner is known for his coaching/teaching abilities and each are on full display in his latest installment of the Connected Reaction Series. If you are looking for a next-level open guard system that shuts down tricky guard passers while maximizing your offense, then this 4-part series is for you!